60 Days In

October is finally here. As of today, October 2nd, I am 60 DAYS IN!  While I can't believe it, at the same time I can. I have already started settling in here. This weekend has actually been kind of fun and I don't even like the weekends here. LOL! However, this weekend has been a little different. This is the first weekend that we have had commissary and BABY, let me tell you, there was a whole lot of cooking going on. I feel like I ate more this particular day than I have eaten the entire time I have been here. These ladies are so creative and great cooks as well. We have made all types of cheesecakes (Oreo, sweet potato, Twix, fruit), cheese balls, burritos…you name it. All of this with no microwave or oven. I have gotten into it too. I literally sit with my commissary list thinking of prison recipes. LOL!

Honestly, this time has been a much needed break for me mentally. I am realizing just how run down and tired I really was. Most of it was because of the stress of the case. Today, on my 60 day anniversary, I got up, did laundry, and went back to bed until 2pm. At home I would have never done this. Here, I give myself permission to do nothing. The only thing I am struggling with as far as resting is working out. I usually hit the gym at least twice a day, sometimes three times. I rarely go a day without doing something, even if it is just walking the track. 

Now that I am more settled in, I have become more intentional about time. I really try not to think about going home or computing my time. I now try to stay in the moment. If I am having a conversation, I focus on that conversation. If I am working out, I focus on the workout. I listen to my body. I feel my muscles working. I pay attention to the coolness of the sweat on me. I try not to think about what everyone is doing at home or if I have an email. Being in the present moment is the only time that I am really guaranteed. So why not savor it?

One discovery I have made, that I think I have always known, is that I love to dance. I don't just like to watch dancing, I love dancing myself. I enjoy the music and the movement. Dancing makes me happy. I was so disappointed that the line dance class was ending today that I went to the recreation department and asked if I could teach another class. Of course he obliged. Therefore I will be picking up this class in a couple of weeks. Yay me!


Just Another Day

