
Where do I start? Maybe from the time I was a little girl and my mother enrolled me in tap, ballet, and jazz classes in Clinton, NC and later to Wallace, NC? Or maybe I start with my obsession that I had with Jazzercise when I live in Clayton, NC? I don't know what I am about to write, but it is more evident by the fact that I found so much joy and excitement watching my girls participate in cheer and dance their entire life. Needless to say, music and dance have always been apart of me. Even when I attended college, my initial intentions were to be a dance major, but I chose elementary education instead. My stint in pageants and the dance team where further indicators that dance was in the stars for me. 

I make a lot of stuff up in my head. This mind of mind is a playground. I dream 3D, full color dreams and have very clear visions to the point where I forget it is not actually happening in real time. I use to see myself teaching some type of dance exercise class. When I hear music, I would create these routines in my head. 

Over the years I have struggled keeping my weight down. In an attempt to do so I have done everything from Crossfit to Jazzercise to Zumba to personal training to spin to swimming to pole dancing to urban ballroom dance to yoga to boot camp, you name it. If it is an exercise program, I have done it. Of all the things I ever did, dancing was what I really loved. First, Jazzercise years ago in Clayton, NC. I use to love those classes. I think I loved my instructor the most. Jen was her name and she was a badass. Her love for what she did was contagious. 

When I got to prison, the first week one of the girls on my hall invited me to go the weekly line dance class. I quick obliged because one I needed something to do and two I love anything with dance. I truly enjoyed the class and always looked forward to Sunday nights. A few weeks into the class, I learned that it would be ending because the instructor would be leaving. I decided that I wanted to take over the class. I only had one challenge. I did not have an MP3 player to download the music on. But as you know, when you want something, the universe conspires to help you get it. And of course my new bunkie came with an MP3 filled with about 3,000 songs. And any song she did not have that I wanted, she was willing to download. 

With the stars aligned I went back to the Rec Department and expressed my interest in taking over the class. A few weeks later...I host a packed Sunday night Dancerize class. I spend most of my week listening to music and making up routines while I am working out. I was so excited to teach the first class which was actually three weeks ago. Now, as we head into week four I have had numerous women approach me to ask if they can attend. I have had so much interest that I had to go back to the rec office to request additional class times. I think it is safe to say it is one of the most in-demand classes at the moment. 

Love is all there is and your gifts will make room for you. My love for dance has made provision for me to love and be loved even on the inside.


It's December 1!


The Love of Ethic