Dear Little Sharita
I recently revisited my pictures from the past few days, and one image, in particular, stood out to me. It's the one I chose to feature in yesterday's blog. After gazing into the tearful eyes of my younger self, I felt compelled to write a letter, sharing everything I wish my 7-year-old self knew from the perspective of my 45-year-old self.
Little Sharita,
I see you there, looking back at me from that old photograph. Those innocent eyes, that shy smile, and the hint of sadness that seems to cloud your world. I want to tell you, my dear, that you are extraordinary just the way you are. Don't ever let anyone convince you otherwise.
I remember that day when you were seven, tears welling up in your eyes. Maybe it was about something as simple as getting your hair done, but it felt like the end of the world. You smiled in that photo, a smile hiding your teeth, teeth you were so self-conscious about. I want you to know that your smile, with all its imperfections, is beautiful. You are beautiful.
Little Sharita, don't hide a single thing about yourself. Your courage, your curiosity, your boundless energy, and your voice – they are all precious gifts. People may try to limit you, to define you by their expectations, but you must be unapologetically you. You love to do cartwheels; keep doing them, even if others ask you to stop.
Your relationship with your father is complicated, and you long for more attention from your mother. Remember, it's not your fault. You talk a lot in school because you have a lot to say, and one day, your voice will be your greatest strength. Writing, too, is your superpower; never stop using that pen to express your thoughts and feelings.
You adore playing outside, and I urge you always to find time for play, no matter how busy life gets. Pursue your love for dance – it's a beautiful way to express yourself. When the storms of life come raging, always remember to pray. God is listening, and remember, God lives in, through, and as you.
You are powerful, wonderful, beautiful, and talented. Never forget the essence of who you are, Little Sharita. Embrace your uniqueness and your journey, for they will lead you to a place of strength and self-love. You are loved, and you are lovable. God's love surrounds you, always.
As you continue to grow older, I want you to know that life will bring both joy and challenges. There will be relationships that don't last, and you'll experience heartbreak. You'll also face significant losses along the way. Life will present you with choices, and sometimes you'll make mistakes, but it's crucial to remember that in everything, there is a lesson.
Life is not happening to you; it's happening for you. Think of it as a vast classroom, where every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. When you find yourself facing difficult decisions or uncertain moments, take a moment to get quiet, even though you've always had a lot to say. Your answers are not found in the opinions of others. Your true answers are within yourself, deep in your soul.
You are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul, just as the poet once said. Embrace the journey, Little Sharita, with all its ups and downs. You have the strength and wisdom within you to navigate life's challenges and savor its sweet moments. Keep believing in yourself, and you will continue to shine brightly.
With love and guidance,
45-year-old Sharita
If you were to write a letter to your younger self, what would you say? I invite you to reflect and share your own messages of love, wisdom, and encouragement. Feel free to write your letters in the comments or share your thoughts below.