Energy Flows

Saturdays and Sundays are always a challenge. You have to find ways to fill up your day so that the time passes. My weekend was a little longer because my boss is off on Mondays, so we did not have anyone to open up the doors to the classroom for us. Therefore, I ended up having an extended weekend. Since I have had my new bunkie I have had a lot of traffic in and out of my room, especially this past weekend. It also carried over into Monday. Since I am an only child, by Monday I was getting overwhelmed with it. I love my own space. I actually like my room because it is just me and one other person. I have been fortunate enough to have this type of room because it is rare. God knew exactly what I needed. 

This Monday, I noticed myself getting a little irritated and moody. I decided to leave my room and find a space where I could work on my business plans. I also got in a workout and journaled. I kept wondering why my mood had shifted and I really could not put my finger on it. At first I thought I was jealous, so I explored that emotion. But, that wasn't quite it. After having a conversation with my friend, I realized that I may be more of an empath than I may have realized. She asked me a few questions about how I move at home. I told her that even there I would sneak off to get some time to myself when there were a lot of people around. I also began to reflect on how I would feel when other people's mood changed. I thought about how it would make me anxious and nervous. I remember these feelings even as a young child.

In here, I am around different people and different energies, all day and night. Rarely do I have the opportunity to be alone. In order to do that I have to sneak away to the pavilion, the track, or an empty room. But I realize that I need that time. I have to ground and balance my energy because I am picking up on so much of it. I have to move energy so that I do not get bogged down. I am setting an intention to be more mindful of when I am doing a lot of interacting with people. More mediation, journaling, yoga, and prayer time is at the top of my priority list. Instead of judging my feelings, I am learning to embrace them and appreciate them. This is just another step on my journey to freedom.


My First In Person Visit


Melting Pot