Let The Games Begin
Oh, what a glorious day! The credits are finally coming in. Around 9 am this morning, while in electrical class, I learned that the first set of immediate releases had been announced. I ran inside to call my friend to check the dates for myself and my friends. Mine is the same. Two of my friend's dates reverted back to their original date, which is later, and my old bunkie, the baddest bunkie, well hers…changed. She received a year off of her sentence. God is good! My girl is going home! After six years down, I am so happy for her.
11:12 am: So far, approximately five people have been notified of their immediate release. One is someone I lived on the hall with, whose hair I used to braid. She is so happy, but sad at the same time because she could have left today, however, she did not have anyone to come pick her up. This has been the case with a few people. They were allowed to leave immediately but they do not have a ride home or a place to go. It made me realize how grateful I am for the love and support of my family and friends. I know without a doubt that if I were to get an immediate release someone would be here to pick me up by the end of the day, or they would buy me a plane ticket.
The mood in the cafeteria was somber. There was some excitement, but it was mostly quiet. Everyone is on pins and needles waiting for their dates to change. Some dates changed, others didn't, and some even went backward. There is so much confusion and uncertainty. Luckily in, about 45 minutes, I will know about mine because I will be receiving my updated sheet.
1:48 pm: Around 12 pm the FSA updates came out. The line was so long that I decided to wait a while and let it die down. I stayed in the GED classroom for a while working on a few things. Shortly after noon, the door opened. I had at least five people come in with their updated sheets needing support with understanding what was going on with their days. I helped a few people try to understand their computation sheets before going to pick up my own, which was fun. When I finally made it to the office, I was told to come back at 3 pm because my sheet was not available yet. LOL! You can't make this stuff up.
6:01 pm: Still no update. I went to my counselor around 2 pm and she told me to check back in tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be updated by then. I am ready to know officially, even though I already have a pretty good idea. I spoke with my family, and, like me, they too are waiting. Everyone here has been sleeping all evening because we are exhausted. The anticipation, stress, excitement, and disappointment are weighing on all of us.
30 Day Mental Diet - Day 9
How To Remove Limitations
Life Does Not Limit You
The universe is abundant and has no limitations. It seeks to manifest in, through, and as me unrestricted. The only restrictions that it has are the ones that I create through thought. I will think bigger. The Law of Mind in Action has no choice but to respond to the thoughts that I think. That is the law. I will use this to my advantage and think of limitless possibilities. I will be delusional.
I will think higher and bigger about what my life will be like when I return home. I will create, through my thoughts, a life that is filled with unlimited money, happiness, health, and opportunities. I will travel the world, with my family, teaching and supporting women to live a FREE life. I will produce movies, write books, speak, and do philanthropic work. I will reach an unlimited amount of people by sharing my story and teaching the principles and laws I have learned through my experiences and training. My body will be in optimal health. My relationships will be healthy. I will have more money than I can spend.