Unquestionably Free
Shortly after waking up in a cool room, and attempting to go watch TD Jakes, I heard screaming coming from the adjacent TV room. My curiosity made me inquire about what was going on. I then saw Captain talking to two other ladies. Apparently, another round of immediate releases is underway. Yeah! When your name goes on the board that usually means one thing, your date is available. Traditionally, this happens about 2-4 months before you leave, however with everything going on with the FSA updates, releases are immediate. One of the young ladies is someone who I connected with because she is from Durham, NC. She was set to be released next month, but it looks like she is about to head back to the Carolinas, my home state. When everything started, I told her to make sure she headed over to my favorite fish spot in Bull City and eat a whiting sandwich for me when she gets home.
On Sunday mornings at 9 am I have a standing date with El Chapo, LOL. "El Chapo" is no nonsense, Hispanic, workout junkie from Texas, who I used to work out with. She also happens to be another one of the tutors in the education department with me and she is also my work wife's bunkie. She and I meet on Sunday mornings for church - Joel Osteen on Lifetime. As I was heading down to the second floor to meet her, she also found out that she was on the board. In true El Chapo fashion, she didn't flinch, instead, she stated that she was not going to get too excited until she knew for sure what it was. That has been the downside to all of this. People have been emotionally tormented during all of the FSA changes. It seems like each day there is a new update that impacts the release dates. People have lost hope and are hesitant about getting excited or putting too much faith into anything until it is in black and white.
As I was typing this blog, I heard my name being yelled down the hall. I looked down and it was Yoyo, my other NC homie. And, she too is going home. Yoyo and I have been advocating for another young lady in here to get out who does not qualify for FSA credits because of a technicality. We are determined to get this young lady home. It will be much easier with Yoyo on the outside.
During my 9 am standing date with El Chapo, after hearing that she was leaving, we knew Joel was going to deliver an on-point sermon. And as expected, it was. The topic...Unquestionably Free! Wow! Here are some points from the sermon that really stood out to me:
God did not create me to be partially free, or just better than I used to be. He created me to be unquestionably free.
God in his mercy is going to release me from bondage.
Victory starts in my mind; in my thinking. I am supposed to be free, abundant, and victorious.
No one is going to doubt the blessing of God on my life. Not only will I see it, others will also.
This is my year to be unquestionably free. I will not go through another year being confined.
30 Day Mental Diet- Day 15
The Art of Getting Along With People
People Do Not Need To Be a Problem
In order for me to get along with other people, I must first get along with myself. I must be to other people what I want them to be to me. Even though I may not "do" anything to another person, it is not what I "do" but what I think about them. What I feel or think about one person is what I think/feel about everyone because I can not love one part of God and not another. He is all one.
Today, I was in conversation with someone about another person here who does not particularly care for me. Apparently I asked her a question about her pants size that offended her; this was a while ago. I realized today, after meditating on this lesson, that she is only reflecting myself back to me. That the dislike she has for me about me asking about her pants is only a reflection of my feelings towards myself. There are also other women here who I do not particularly care for. As of yesterday, I had decided to be cordial and send them good energy because I am trying to attract positive energy back unto myself.