Great is My Faithfulness

I was scheduled to have my TEAM meeting today with my case manager. Unfortunately, it was rescheduled until tomorrow. I have been anxious about this meeting because I should be starting the process for my release. I have been patient as I have waited for my FSA credits to hit. As of right now, I am still not in the system. There is supposed to be an update coming tomorrow, so I am praying that I am in that batch. The challenging thing about being in here is that I am so limited in what I can do. I can't freely make calls or research anything, so I have to depend on my support group on the outside to do things for me. That is tough. 

I feel the weight of the anxiety coming down on me. It has been a long road and there is still more to go, but I would like a little relief. I have been the "go to" and support for a lot of women in here, interpreting policies, explaining their computation sheets, and discussing issues with the unit team, all while not having my own stuff in place. Today, I felt like I needed the type of support that I have been for others. I needed an outlet, so I hit the track and talked to the one who can make it happen...GOD. He has me, my credits, my family, and the women of Atwood all in His hands. I will do my part and I am faithful that He will do His. 

After my walk, I headed inside to unpack with my "Gayle," my work wife. She stated that she could see a heaviness on me and knew that eventually I would come to speak to her. She was right. She has been my safe space, my friend, and my therapist. I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves in 90 days. I count with her, because when she leaves I am closer to leaving as well.


Just Another Day at Atwood


Earning Freedom