In Between Holiday

There is the period of time between Christmas and New Year that is - blah. No one is really working, the high of Christmas is over, things have slowed down, and people are resting. But, there is this anticipation of the New Year that is right around the corner which means it is time to recalibrate is kick it into high gear. It is this "In Between Holiday" that has no official name but is quite familiar. Well, this holiday exists on the inside as well. 

Besides working out, reading, playing cards, going to the dentist, and teaching here and there, my days have been pretty - blah. Which is a good thing because I know once next week hits I will be full speed ahead in 2023.

At my job, we are adding a new literacy program which I will be helping with. I have also signed up for an electrical class that I hope to get into. I wanted to take this class primarily so that I could do stuff like install a ceiling fan or new fixtures in my house. The course is also a prerequisite for the construction class starting in the early spring, which I plan to take advantage of fully. 

The Business Development class is also in full gear. The students seem to enjoy it as evidenced by the attendance each week. I have a packed house. I still get a little anxious each Wednesday as I want to make sure I am adding value for the students. 

Yoga is in its last week. For the most part, my co-instructor took over, which is cool because she is growing into quite the yogi. I am now just a student who participates and witnesses her journey. It has been a beautiful unfolding to watch. 

I am planning a special session of Dancerize for Sunday, a New Years’ edition. It is going to be an ode to the throwbacks. I have downloaded Push It by Salt and Pepper, Children's Story by Slick Rick, and It Takes Two by Rob Base. 

Additionally, I have been keeping all of my Wall Street Journal newspapers and old magazines in order to create a vision board to hang near my bed. 

So yeah, I am semi-busy and enjoying the "In Between Holiday". Even though this seems busy, my "busy” is intentional. I do my time; I don't let my time do me.


Kentucky Fried Chicken


Let There Be Heat