Kentucky Fried Chicken

Just another day of the life of a federal prison at FMC Lexington Satellite Camp. That is all, that is it. Today consisted of working out, two FSA classes, and yoga. But the highlight of the day was the fried chicken they served at lunch. I know that this might not seem like much, but let me tell you. This new Tyson chicken, aka KFC, they served up today was the talk of the camp.

Thursday in federal prison is always chicken day; followed by Fish Fridays. Wednesday is hamburger day. Tuesday it is chicken patties. Lunch is very predictable. Thursdays have always been my favorite day. The chicken is usually baked and served with sweet potatoes, green beans, and a dessert. Today, they switched it up on us. Well, they changed the brand of the chicken and honey...the line was around the corner. Everyone would line up to taste the new delicacy, our version of the famous KFC. I mean we are in Kentucky, so why not?

In the words of my kids, and one of the guards here, the chicken today was bussin, bussin. Lawd, be a chicken thigh. Thank goodness for friends that work in the kitchen because we were able to nab a couple of extra pieces for dinner to eat with our prison-made mac and cheese. 

Needless to say, the highlight of my day - fried chicken. LOL! Now here is the kicker. They are going to serve it again on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I swear you can't make the ish up. My only question was...are we having watermelon for dessert? 

Welcome to Kentucky.


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