Oh I Wanna Dance with Somebody

Tonight, I taught my first line dance/dancercise class. I spent several weeks thinking about it. Until about an hour before the class, I did not think it was going to happen because our recreation supervisor was not at work today and we could not get into the room. I could not believe how disappointed I was thinking about the possibility of not having the class. I had prepared all weekend and was super excited for it to happen. 

God's timing was so perfect because He allowed me to get a new roommate who actually had an MP3 player. Since I did not have one of my own I was a little hesitant about doing that class because I did not want to depend on anyone. People can be here one day and then gone the next. However, she had an MP3 player when her property arrived and was very gracious about letting me use it. She even added some songs that she did not have but I needed for the class. 

Believe it or not I was not as nervous as I thought I would be teaching the class. Also, I was not as prepared as I would have liked to have been. I just jumped right in and started. I was taken back to my Jazzercise days. I thought about why I loved it, and it was because of the instructor I had. She was so into the workout and just had fun. That is what I decided to do. I let all of the judgements and insecurity go and I just went in the moment. It was almost like time stood still. I never even looked up at the clock, I just danced, smiled and taught the participants. 

About half way through they said they did not expect what they had experienced. They thought it was going to a light weight class; something real chill. No ma’am! I designed a full workout. And when I left, my shirt was wet. Although I am not as much of a light weight as I use to be, I am no novice to exercise. I have been at it off and on for many years. I do not think there is a workout program that I have not done. I once sought out to became a Jazzercise instructor and I also have my yoga instructor certificate. I never used either of them until now. My mom used to always tell me, "no time is ever wasted." And that is so true. Everything I have ever done was put into use last night. All of the personal training, hot yoga classes, dance classes when I was little, urban line dance classes with my husband and more were on display. 

Your gifts will make room for you. Dancing is my happy place. It always has been, I just never allowed myself the space to allow myself to do it. For so many years was a spectator of other people's joy. Last night I became a participant in my own.




Thank You For Your Service