Start Now

One of the most important mindsets that I’ve had while I’ve been here is the "when I get out" mentality. Everyone talks a lot about what they are going to do "when I get out." There is this perception that something is magically going to occur once they walk through the gate on the day they are discharged. I am not saying that it won’t, however, my mindset is slightly different. I came in preparing for my exit. I have never felt like I needed to wait. I have been extremely lucky and blessed that I have the support and means to begin building my dream even while I am here. However, I do not want to discount myself because I have the ambition and drive to begin working on my goals now. I just never felt like I needed to wait. I ask for the books on topics I want to learn more about. I am journaling and making plans daily.

Since there is not a lot to do with your time at camp you can really waste it. I watch people watch tv, talk, play cards, and sleep ALL DAY LONG. I am not saying there is anything wrong with doing any of that, some of which I do as well, however, I believe that you should do everything in moderation, even moderation.

There are some people that do not have jobs here, so they are free all day for the most part. I have been encouraging one particular person to begin to study and/or practice for the thing she is planning to do whenever she leaves, to use her time to build herself. Another example of timewasters that people engage in is that a lot of people read "hood books." I have spent some time reading them as well. But, I will never read more of those books than I do books that allow me to gain knowledge, skills, and tools. I feel the same way about watching television. I will never watch someone live their dream more than I work on my own.

I remember my therapist, who was an avid crocheter, told me that if she ever went to prison she was going to still do her. She was still going to crochet and do therapy. That no matter where she was she was going to do her. I believe that is how passion works; it lives, breathes, and resides in you. It is true and therefore it is everlasting. Passion can withstand the test of time and any situation. It can even withstand the walls of prison.

My advice to my friends and anyone who is incarcerated is…START NOW. If you want to own a restaurant, go work in the kitchen. If you want to be a makeup artist, start doing people's makeup for picture days and visits. If you want to be a personal trainer, start teaching classes or offering one on one sessions.

Time waits for no one or no thing, not even prison. Stop waiting for "when you get out." START NOW!


The A


White Girl Keisha