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I have been doing a lot of reading and planning. Some things are pretty clear. Others are a little foggy, but that is okay too. I realized today while reading a book that I need to document more of my reentry journey. Take you all inside the rebuilding process. Not just to inspire you, but to keep me accountable so that one day I can look back and remember the small moments. Usually, there is so much going on here throughout my day that I don’t even know where to begin to blog when I sit at the computer. Also, being limited to 30 minutes of time also causes me to be extremely brief sometimes. 

We got the final scores from the last GED test today. There was one score I was really looking for. It was that of the poet that I posted a couple of days ago. She had one final test to take and pass in order to graduate. On the previous three, she passed all of them on the first try; this final test would make her four for four and a graduate. When my boss came to pass out the scores hers was the one I was focused on. And yes, she passed. My girl! A GED graduate. I could not wait to tell her. She was so happy and had now promised to take a cap and gown picture with me. There were others who passed the individual test and were proud of themselves as well. The look on the faces of the ladies when they achieve their goals is so heart warming and fulfilling. It further confirmed that supporting people, specifically women, in fulfilling their dreams is my calling. 

I am doing a lot of reading, planning, praying and contemplating. A part of contemplating is where I want to live when I am released. I am feeling a strong pull to relocate my family to Atlanta. I am not running from anything, but I feel like I need a fresh start. And yes, I know ATL is overcrowded, but there are numerous reasons why that city feels right for me. 

The love and support I received from the Black Girls Cheer community around my case has reenergized me. There are so many things I want to do with the brand. It has been seven years. Seven, my number, the year of completion. I believe we are ending a cycle of BGC being a passion project and it’s time to rebirth it as a full brand with a sustainable business model. I have had so many ideas over the years, but never put the full time and energy into the execution. I believe that the time has arrived. ATL would be the perfect home for BGC and my family. There are so many resources there, and it is still in the South. I am a country girl born and raised. I need to stay close to some sweet tea. 

In addition to the BGC brand I believe it is time for me to take my girls’ brand seriously. There is so much potential for them as well. Just like with BGC, I just need to put the time, energy, and finances into them. 

My girls are excited and supportive of this potential move. They have actually been telling me it is time to relocate for a while. What better way to restart than with a free start? My biggest concern right now is Vanessa. Moving her in the middle of the school year is not ideal. I moved my other girls when they were in high school and their transition was tough at first. However, shortly she will be headed to middle school which may be the prime time to for her to transition.

Change can be good. It also can be scary. I can't lie, I have fear around moving. I have some fear around banking on myself, my kids, and the BGC brand. However, I am also aware that fear is overrated. I can feel the fear and do it anyway, which is what I plan to do.




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