Super Bowl Sunday

My final Sunday morning date with El Chapo and Joel Osteen was this morning. She is leaving to head back to Texas on Tuesday. The topic of the sermon, You Will Laugh Again, was absolutely on point, as always, for several reasons. Osteen talked about how weeping can only last for a season and joy will be restored. That God will only allow your pain to last but so long before He steps in. Weeping endures for a night, but joy comes in the morning. So on point and timely because last night I laid in my bed and just allowed myself to cry and this morning...Keep Reading! 

Today will be my first and last Super bowl Sunday in the feds. Everyone is excited. The TV room has been decorated with pictures, a huge helmet, a field goal post, and all types of things hanging from the ceiling. It’s about to go down. It amazes me how creative the ladies are in here; how they can take nothing and turn it into something. One of the favorite things to do here is when there is something big on TV, like a football game or the Grammys, everyone comes together to watch it. The energy is so amazing. ALL the TVs in the TV room are reserved. As for me and my friends, we just wanted to see Rihanna hit the stage, which she killed of course. We were also served a holiday meal today, pizza and wings.

As I was standing in line to get my meal for the day, I received word that FSA credits had again been updated. The line was long because they actually ran out of food and we had to come back so I decided to call my daughters to see if my date changed. did! Finally! Some of my credits hit. They will continue to accumulate as the months go by. Next year this time I am completely done with all of this. God is good! I started getting concerned, but I waited, and today I received the best news. All of my stuff is current in the system and my credits are applying. 

Today was the perfect day for the credits to update. With the Super Bowl going on, and credit updates the energy in the building was wonderful. There are more people going home on immediate release tomorrow. There were already a lot of planned releases scheduled which really brings the total number up quite a bit. From my understanding, there were approximately 10 already leaving and at least 8-10 more immediate releases. It is always good to see people go because I know I will be right behind them.


Life Goes On


Confidence and Connection