The Land of Oz
9:30 am: In the middle of electrical class, the sound of a train began to penetrate the bottom floor of the 1930 building we are housed in. The whistle echoed as if the wind was singing a melodic song the tune of the dark, cloudy Kentucky sky. Our instructor urged us to move to the interior room after the windows were forcibly opened by the pounding gusts of wind. We were informed that a tornado warning had been issued for the area. Myself, along with others, retreated to the library in search of safety. There, we patiently waited for the storm to weaken. I took the opportunity to converge my pen to paper and allow the source of creativity to flow through me in the moment of fright.
7:01 pm: I am bringing my day to a close early tonight. After I go workout I am planning to stay in my room for a while reading and writing before going to bed. I am exhausted. This week has been full and emotionally draining. The energy in the building wreaked of disappointment, frustration, and concern. I know some people may think, "you did the crime, you do the time." I get that, but what I also get is that there are rooms full of mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, etc. who have loved ones and young kids who desperately need to feel their embrace. I am one of those women.
Before dinner, my work wife came to me to share her feelings of anxiety. She calculated her days and realized that she is close to going home. She and I often discuss our observations of people who are close to going home and why those people "change" as they get closer to the door. She shared with me that she is feeling it. She is beginning to see the shift in herself as she prepares to leave. As we talked, we discovered that we both feel the pressure of making sure "this," prison, was worth it; meaning, did we get out of it all that we were suppose to. Was the sacrifice worth the gain? Did we hit the mark? And although my family reassures me that there is nothing I need to "do" or make up for when I get home, I still feel a sense of obligation to myself and my family to make sure it was all worth it.
As I was journaling these feelings, I decided that at night I am going to write gratitude statements to myself. I want to affirm my greatness and to let myself know that I am enough and there is nothing more that I need to "do."
30 Day Mental Diet - Day 12
How To Create New Ideas
There Is a Limitless Source of Inspiration
This lesson was very impactful and eye opening. I have always considered myself a creative. However, I never understood that the source of inspiration was coming from the One Mind. I also did not know that I can expect those ideas to flow to me.
As I take this next step in my journey, I open myself to divine creativity. I expect the ideas to flow. I desire to teach women to live free and I am cultivating an attitude of expectancy that the ideas will effortlessly flow. I release the chains of anxiety and depression that have kept me hidden and unsure and freely soar to discover more the wonder of the Infinite Intelligence. I will use my creativity to bring good into my life, my family's life, and the lives of others. I am an open vessel of possibility and love.