Time Waits for No One

Last night I received word that my dog of 14 years had to be put down. My mom told me that he was sick a few days ago. She thought he had a cold. Apparently, it was much more serious. He was suffering from heart failure. Needless to say, reading that email was devastating. Not only because he was gone, but mainly because I am not at home to comfort my family, especially my girls. I felt, and still feel, helpless. 

My initial reaction was to cry. However, I was in the computer lab where over a hundred women were, so I decided to go to my room and have a moment in private. Before I could make it to my room I passed by my friend's room so I stopped in to tell her. That is when the tears began to flow. I thought about how the girls and my mom were doing. I hated the fact that I just couldn't pick up the phone and call them because the phones were cut off until the next morning. I hated that I put myself in this situation. 

At the same time, I was comforted by the love my new family here; women who are in my life at this exact moment for a divine purpose. Although we are sharing one the worse experiences, in here we are "naked." There are no masks. We are seeing each other at our lowest points. I was happy that I had somewhere to be vulnerable. And they cried too, thinking about their children and not being there to comfort their families in times like these. 

Mainly, I was reminded of how quickly things happen. I was reminded that even though I am cut off from the outside world, the world is still moving. I thought when I finally made it back home, whenever that will be, that things would be close to the same. The the house would be the same. My room would be the same. But most importantly that everyone, even the dog, would be there. I pray hard, I mean really really hard, at night that my family stays safe. I pray that we will reunite again and share some really, really great times together. But, last night was a harsh reminder that time does not stand still. It waits for no one, not even me.


FSA Time Credit Assessment


She Who Has the Peace, Has the Power.