Touch Not Thine Anointed One

This has been a week for me. From dealing with issues here with other inmates to the social media storm that erupted, this week has truly been a test of my trust and faith. The stress from it all has caused my body to wear down and I caught a cold, so I have been a little under the weather. Luckily, I have people around me who care a lot about me. They have handled my affairs on the outside with grace. On the inside they have been nursing me back to health. 

Adversity doesn't make a man, it reveals them. Through this ordeal I have been gifted with the opportunity to see who is who. People who I thought were my friends have turned out not to be who I thought they were. And although I hate that relationships end, I am aware that some relationships are for a reason, some a season, and some a lifetime. I remember the first meeting I had with my attorney. I cried as I expressed to him the fear I had around what was going to happen to the BGC (Black Girls Cheer) brand once my case came out. What would people think? Would they think that everything was a lie? I had watched as others went through the system and I was aware that the articles painted a person in the worst light possible. At the time I was overly concerned about what other people were going to say. That day in his office my attorney said something to me that I was reminded of this week. He stated that, "some people will stick by you. Others are going to fall away and that is a good thing too. You will learn who is who."

God has truly blessed me with some amazing people who sincerely love and care for me. For that, I am so grateful. Today, when I received some of the responses from the people in the group who responded on my behalf regarding the article posted, I was overwhelmed. I spent so much time hiding and being ashamed. I was afraid of what this case would do to my reputation and the brands that I built. As it turns out, the very people I was worried about are the ones standing beside me. Listen, if you did not know, my people do not play about me. God does not play about me. Touch NOT thine anointed one!

My prayer continues to be, "God, let the work that I have done speak for itself." I am far from perfect. However, perfection is not the name of the game, excellence is. And that is what I strive for, EXCELLENCE. I have a renewed sense of energy and my spark has been reignited. I am excited about the opportunities that lay before me and I cannot wait to return to continue my mission. #RiseOfThePhoenix


White Girl Keisha


Freedom Rings