Freedom Rings

This journey is all about being free; living in freedom. Free mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Free in my finances, free in my body, and in my mind. The journey to freedom began with imprisonment, not from the FBOP (Federal Bureau of Prisons), but in the self-imposed prison that I put myself in. 

On this journey, I have been blessed to meet some pretty unique and interesting people. One who happens to be one of my students. She has grown to become my teacher's pet. An unsuspecting nerd masked with a tomboy exterior and a “don't give a fuck” attitude. However, behind this exterior there lies a Shakespeare-reading daughter of a published poet who kept the legacy of her love for poetry in the dark, even from her mother. 

Yesterday, I asked her to write a poem for me about freedom. She obliged and created this beautifully linguistic melody off the cuff. 

Freedom Rings

Freedom rings loud and profound

Freedom means there are no limits or bounds

Pushing the envelop to the max

There's life in freedom and those are facts

Freedom is flying as far and as long as your wings can carry

Even though it can be scary

Freedom is loving to no end

As honest as a friend

Freedom is abundantly true

Freedom rings out and is calling you

Freedom mean doing you with ease

freedom means knowing how to answer when freedom rings

Author~ To Be Disclosed At A Future Date


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