Black Girls Cheer

If you found your way here because of BGC...Welcome! I knew that eventually you would make it to the inside. #BGC4L

A special thanks goes out to Cheer Updates for the post! Mama, I made it! After years of service to the cheer community on the behalf of the Black cheer community, despite the number of accomplishments made, and strides forward I guess we finally have a newsworthy story important and relevant enough to make it to the coveted Cheer Updates. After 7 years of service, a documentary, and recognition on national platforms beyond the cheer industry, none were deemed worthy of a mention; nor did you follow. Yet we now see that you were watching. But we thank you for another demonstration of the poor attempt to create narratives surrounding black girls and women that plagues our industry. 

One point of clarity. As per the DOJ (Department of Justice) article that you posted, my name is Sharita Mathis-Richardson. Correction, Dr. Sharita Mathis-Richardson. Although Lawson may have been my former name, one that carries weight and history in the cheer community, please refrain from using my children's surname to elicit traffic. My children are years removed from the mat, but I am still an overprotective cheer mom at heart and protective of my babies. But since you gave us your platform, I will take this opportunity to welcome my community to my journey. 

It has been a long road and continues to be. One that has been marred with shame and guilt, but love and forgiveness as well. One which I am still healing from. One of self-discovery and a return to love. Black Girls Cheer started as a research topic and evolved into a movement. A movement that over the past two years, as I have fought a long and stressful legal battle, has prompted me to remove myself from the forefront of the platforms in an effort to take care of myself, my family, and the BGC community. I am proud of the work that continues to be done in the name of BGC. I am proud of my team and each member who believes in the vision and mission of the cause. 

We are no strangers to adversity. We are also no strangers to triumph. This situation, although unfortunate, is yet another chapter in the hero's journey. I stand firm in my faith and trust that all things are working together for my good. 

Although I know we all love a good story, this is not the time or platform, but one that in due time will be shared. What you can learn and follow, should you choose, is the story of my journey and transformation to be documented here on my blog. 

Stay with me. I am still the same Sharita who founded BGC. I am still a concerned mother/former cheer mom. I am still a visionary and champion for women and girls. I will continue and do continue my work. I will continue to move forward, even on the inside. 

Fun Fact: I am housed at the same institution as Cheer’s Jerry Harris. Ironic.


Freedom Rings


A Seat at the Table