You Ain't Missing Nothin

Christmas is over! When I was sentenced, more than anything I thought about the fact that I would not be home for Christmas. Truth is the anticipation of it was worse than it actually was. I was okay; it was my family I was most worried about. I knew that my presence would be missed. Although the wounds may not be physical, I am aware that the hurt still exists. 

Inside, the day was chill and relaxed. While waiting in the phone line a girl sat next to me with a song playing. I asked her what the song was and she let me listen to her player. It was T.I.'s song, "You Ain't Missing Nothin." The song brought tears to my eyes. God knew exactly what I needed to reaffirm me. I quickly ran to my room, told my bunkie about the song, and we immediately headed to the computer to download it. From there it stayed on repeat. As we ate dinner we listened to the song over and over, all night and today. 

There were a few parts of the song that really stood out for me.

"The time do itself all you gotta do is show up." 

"Keep laying down, waking up and thanking the Lord before and for you know it they gonna open the doors."

"If you ain't got a plan what you need with a second chance, you gonna blow it." 

"Learn to visualize what you trying to do." 

"Do the time homeboy don't let the time do you." 

"Just counting down to my release date...piece of cake."

So much truth and love in these lyrics. This may now officially be my theme song for 2023. Download it, listening closely, and think of me. #HomeSoon #FreeRita


Let There Be Heat


Christmas In the Feds