Another Freaky Friday
Freaky Friday never seems to fail. Just when we thought we were going to smoothly head into a restful weekend, a van load of SIS (Special Investigative Supervisor) members rolls up to the camp. They have been on the hunt for these freaking cell phones for a while now and Superman (the head of SIS) will not be defeated. Our floor, the third floor, was asked to clear out so it could be searched. Although I am absolutely not worried about anything being found in my room, being displaced and having to wander around the building is inconvenient. When they first came onto the hall they initially told us we would not be able to access the floor for an hour. However, the task of locating the phone didn't take quite that long. Superman appeared with his prized possession, waving it in the air for everyone to see. There has been speculation about where the phone was found; some say it was in a common area, others say it was inside an inmates room. Where the phone was found is still unclear, however one inmate was taken to county, AKA the SHU (Special Housing Unit). This inmate, Q, has been on the SIS radar about the phone for quite a while. I guess we will have to see if they got the right person and the right phone. We will be able to tell if the DoorDash orders stop coming. LOL!
Today, we had a meeting with my boss from my event catering job about our upcoming trainings and events. Her name is Ms. E, and I really like her. After we discussed our upcoming events Ms. E then began to talk about what new things she wanted to add to the events. And guess what she said...BALLOONS. Wow! I can't believe it. Of course I got excited. Ms. E even noticed my excitement. She said that she had never seen me talk so much and she could tell it was my passion. We talked about me teaching the ladies how to do classic decor. Ms. E even told me that she looked at my website and how talented she thought I was. We even talked about the potential opportunities there were for women who could learn event industry skills once they go home. My wheels got to turning.
I finally see how all of this is coming together. Who would have even imagined that balloons would make it to the FBOP (Federal Bureau of Prisions). LOL! You can't make this shit up. God has mad jokes. Wow! Wow! Wow! Finally, I feel like it is all coming together and making sense.