Captain Christmas Countdown

These days leading up to Christmas seem to be moving slowly. Since my boss has not been at work, my days are pretty empty. I received a copy of Michelle Obama's new book, The Light Within, and I decided to read it over the break. Chapter 1 blew me away and reminded me of something I had put down a couple of months ago...crocheting. In her book she talks about knitting and how it helped her manage her anxiety. It slowed her down. This motived me to pick my hook back up and start on a project that I have been wanting to do for a while. 

12 pm: All inmates were summoned to the cafe. We were instructed to be in full uniform and to bring our IDs. Apparently today was the day we would be receiving the famed Christmas goodie bags and eggnog. I decided to go down a few moments late to give the line a minute to die down. When I got to the bottom of the steps I saw my friend, Captain, sitting outside of the secretary's office. That is usually a sign of one thing…discharge papers are about to signed. I walked up to her and asked her what she was waiting on and she confirmed my theory; it is time for my girl to go home. 

While we waited we decided to grab our goodie bags. I then waited with her for the secretary to arrive. Captain went in, signed travel paperwork, came out, and no date! What? No date? Why not? She didn't ask. 

There is this weird thing I have noticed with people. When they get ready to leave they start acting strange. They don't want to tell people their dates, they pull away, and they go into a deep silence. I have witnessed it several times. However, not even finding out her date was a first to me. That is what everyone here wants to know. 

After returning to my room I see Captain standing at my door. She signals me to the hall, gives me a hug and tells me she is leaving February 16th. WOW! Her release was suppose to be in August. She is leaving six months early! God is so good. FSA is kicking in and people are starting to go home. What an amazing Christmas present!

6:30 pm: The sounds of Christmas songs rang through the halls as carolers walked the halls. It was actually really cute. After the singing was over, hot chocolate and Christmas cookies were served. 

There has really been a big push to support us through this holiday season.


Christmas Eve Eve


Let's Get Down To Business