Christmas Blues

We are only a few days out from Christmas, a time of year that is usually filled with joy. With less than a week away you can already feel the energy shifting. Things are getting a little tense. Mothers are missing their children. Wives are missing their husbands. Daughters are missing their parents. It’s a challenge. I was talking with a few of the girls and the tears were flowing already. 

One of the things that are making things worse is the video visits. Currently, we have four computers available for the visits. Every day there seems to be an issue with computers or the visits. When a computer goes down visits get canceled. People, including myself, have had visits scheduled since Thanksgiving for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Of course this week there are very few officers working so getting things fixed has been challenging. People are negotiating with other people to split the visits and share the 25-minute time slot. Tonight, a huge argument broke out over the double booking of videos. Things are tense, tempers are flaring, and emotions are running high. 

Commissary shopping is crazy this week. People are spending a ton of money on candy, cookies, and treats. One person said it would be comfort food to help cope with being away from home. Cards are coming in and going out, there are a ton of pictures being received as well. We are doing our absolute best to cope. 

I am really trying hard not to think about it, but this is almost impossible. Thank God for the great family and friends who have sent me well wishes via email and through the mail. It all helps. 

Someone asked me how I was managing it all because I seem to be okay. That is true, or at least it is at the moment. I just keep reminding myself that this is temporary and next year, no matter what, I will be home. There are some people here who are missing their babies' first Christmas, some who can't remember the last time they were with their families at Christmas, and others who do not know when they will be back with them.

I am grateful. I am blessed. This too shall pass!


Let's Get Down To Business


My Prison Work Wife