Good Day Captain
Captain left today. I can't believe it. I felt like I was living in a dream. I remember our early days together when we talked about this very thing happening, us leaving, and it has begun. She did her time well. She was always in good spirits, smiling, showing gratitude, working out, and simply being silly. All the while she wrote two books, which I cannot wait to read.
Last night, I think Captain stayed up all night. LOL! Every time I would pass by the TV room, I would see her sitting, either with someone or watching TV. And of course still wearing her ID badge, which I don't think she has taken off since it was given to her at R&D (Receiving & Discharge).
Once everyone gathered in the foyer to see her off, Captain read the most beautiful letter that she had written to the "Queens of Atwood." One thing that stood out for me in the letter was when she spoke about how as a solider she was taught to never leave another soldier behind, and that is what she felt was happening. That is love. And although she has moved on to the next phase in her journey, Captain also mentioned that when the time is right, and when we get the lessons that we came to get, the doors of prison will open and we will walk free. I believe that, truly and wholeheartedly.
I was not going to miss the opportunity to ride over the A Building (the main building where R&D is located) to see Captain take her symbolic walk back through the gates you walk into. As we got closer, I felt myself getting emotional and starting to choke up. I felt the same way that I felt the first time I rode over when the Queen left. When we turned the corner, I could no longer contain my emotions and the tears began to flow.
The moment would not be complete without a little Captain humor. When we approached the A Building we saw a black truck waiting; we assumed it was her Uber. Captain then started checking out the driver to see what he looked like because she is ready to get her some. LOL! After close evaluation we decided that she may need to wait until she got to the halfway house to check out the prospects there, because the Uber drive was not it. LOL!
Captain looked amazing; not just physically but spiritually, emotionally, and mentally as she walked through the gate. She looked FREE! Before she left Captain also gave each of us a letter and we were instructed not to open it until the moment that we realized she was gone. Well, that moment came from me when I got back to the building and looked over at the TV room and noticed she was no longer here. I opened my letter at work and read her moments of gratitude that she experienced related to me during our time together. I was more than moved by her gesture.
Well done Captain. Well done. Never goodbye; only see you later. Love you!