Hasta La Vista Santa

Well, my auntie left this morning. She looked so happy. I got up at 3:30 am to see her off. Count did not happen on time, so when I went downstairs at 3:30 am I had to run back up so that I did not miss count. I made it about a minute before the count guard arrived, thank goodness. I will not lie, I miss my buddy. She was the last of my people; the people that I talk to on a deep level outside of my bunkie. As I told my bunkie, now I don’t have anyone to talk about her to. LOL! The only thing that gives me a little peace is the fact that I will be out soon and will be able to reconnect with her. 

My days have been long in preparation for the event we are having at the training center on Thursday. We finally have all of our supplies and are able to move forward with the full setup. So far so good and everything looks amazing! Today, we got most of the balloons done. I can't wait to assemble the flowers tomorrow and set the tables. I think my boss is happy and pleased with our progress. At times I just had to sit back and smile at how I have been able to use my skills here to help other people.


Culinary Events Adventures


One Of God's Favorites