I Am And Have Always Been A Teacher

I have been involved in a ridiculous amount of classes this week. I think I might have taken too many. I still have a lot to go, but at this point I am burnt out with the classes. Currently, under the First Step Act, we are required to take courses in order to earn additional days off of our sentencing. Although I appreciate the opportunity to be released early, these classes are just…that is all I will say. Also, being a professional educator by trade, watching other people teach is rough. Geesh, they really need some train the trainer courses. Tonight, in one of my classes we literally sat for over four hours listening to the instructor talk about herself. WTF?


Being a fourth-generation teacher, coupled with all of my professional and life experience I truly have to essentially look past the delivery and get what I need out of the class. And yes, my ego is sophisticated and I think I am the shit when it comes to teaching. And I am. LOL! So much so, I have students looking for me in the building at 11:30 pm at night to see if they answered the questions to my daily riddle correctly. Another girl on my hall came to me today and told me a student was out looking for me to discuss the riddle. She then said, "You are the GOAT because you got these ladies really roaming around looking for answers in the middle of the night." I smiled and went into my room. I am aware that I am A TEACHER. Not just in training, but by calling. My degrees and work experience have only helped me sharpen my iron. But I AM AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A TEACHER.


I am extremely excited to put my gifts to work starting tomorrow as I will meet with the ladies for our first book club meeting. Coupled with the new yoga and line dance classes. I'll be teaching for the recreation department; life on the inside is looking pretty good. Do I want to be here? HELL NAW! But since I am I might as well take advantage of the opportunity to do things I enjoy doing and continue to develop myself. Also, everyone always talks about what they are going to do once they get out. I have decided that I don't have to wait until I get out, I can be fully actualized in this present moment because that is the only moment I am promised. No more waiting; I have waited long enough. I have been given a divine opportunity to come more into myself, and that is what I intend to do.


The Business Guru


You Have Not Because You Ask Not