The Business Guru

Slowly I am becoming known in here as the person who can help you with your business. Which is fine, because I love talking about business, especially startups. Also, my book club is going to be focused on being in an entrepreneurship mindset, and on business startup and development. There are a few people who also know about this blog and tell me topics that I need to blog about. I have tried not to blog too much about all the drama that is going on because this is not a gossip blog but a blog about me being free. That is not to say I will not be sharing a ton of juicy stories at some point, because I will. However, I feel like they will be more impactful verbally, and on a different platform. And don't worry, I will not forget, I have a whole journal dedicated to these stories so I don't forget.


Now…back to business. Every day I am talking to women about their business ideas, current businesses, etc. Because it is not as easy to get a good job with a felony on your record so many people are opting to go the entrepreneurial route. Therefore it is only natural that they are starting to think about business while they are here. Over the past couple of days I have talked to at least five women and the majority of them have about five good ideas of things they want to do. Everything from vending machines, real estate, clothing lines, and event venues, just to name a few. There are also some unique business ideas that they have come up with. All of this is great, but there is just one problem, they can not decide which business they really want to start with because they want to do them all. LOL! I can relate because I too am creative and come up with a million business ideas per year.

I am challenged at the moment on how to support them. I do not like telling people what to do or that they need to pick one thing, blah, blah. However, in my experience, I know that it is very hard to start up multiple businesses at the same time. One thing I have always struggled with is creating systems so that the business can run without me actually being there. BUT being here has taught me that I do not have to do everything myself. Also, as I have gotten older I have become wiser in my decision making processes and understand how important it is to create businesses that allow me to actually live life outside of business.


How I Got Here


I Am And Have Always Been A Teacher