New Year’s Resolutions

This morning I woke up and decided that I was going to paint the trimming of my room black. I did this in preparation for the floor waxing that is happening on Friday. Some people here think that you should not decorate and do a lot to your room because it is just a temporary dwelling and doing too much to it signifies the thought that you plan to be here a long time. My belief is a little different. I believe in doing everything in excellence, even prison. The bible says, "be faithful over the small things and he will make you a ruler over many." Therefore, if I take care of, beautify, clean, and make the best of my little 80 square foot prison room I will be given an 8000 square foot, or more, home. I believe that wholeheartedly, and therefore my room renovation project shall continue.

I attempted to go the gym early in the day, but in the spirit of New Years Resolutions, it was packed. I think the fact the new FSA computations are going out next week and a lot of people anticipate leaving soon. So in a list minute effort to get #FedFit the madness has begun. lol. 

30 Day Mental Diet- Day 2

Where You Are

You Are in the Midst of the Universe

I have always admired the abundance of a forest, the ocean, the blades of grass, grains of sand. I have always looked a those things as a reminder of how limitless God is. And it is the same God that created those things also that created me. Therefore, that could only mean one thing, I too am unlimited and abundant. 

Today, I remind myself that I am standing at the intersection of God's magnificence. I am a part of the great "cosmic drama." I am not separate from it, I am a part of it and as a part of it I am whole and complete. Everything I need is right here, right now. 

I am preparing to move into this next stage of my journey. As my time here in prison begins to come to an end and my next stage begins, I have to admit that I am afraid and anxious. This lesson is a reminder for me to walk in confidence and assurance knowing that I do not possess pieces of God but ALL of Him. Therefore, infinite possibilities and potentiality live, breathe and reside in me. I have everything I need, right here, right now!  Today, I decree and declare that everything I need is immediately available to me to take the next right step in my journey.




New Year! New Mind!