T-6 Days and a Wakeup

Today, I mailed out my final package home. I watched as the officer sealed my package and it was almost as if it was happening in slow motion. Wow! I can't believe it. I can officially say that next week this time I will be out of prison and back in North Carolina. God is so good! 

I feel a little anxious. I didn't know that I was, but my stomach knows that I am because I have been unable to keep anything on my stomach for the past few days. I think the anticipation and excitement of what is happening is catching up with me. 

Sunday my friends are having a going away party for me and tomorrow night in the chapel someone is going to sing and another is going to dance. My "see you later" celebrations have begun. My locker is pretty cleared out. What I am leaving my bunkie will keep for her final 50+ days that she will be here. I have a little bit of food to get me through the weekend. My account is pretty much zeroed out and I have my bag packed. Needless to say, I am ready. Now it is time to prepare myself. I plan to get my nails and hair done at the beginning of the week. And tomorrow I will schedule my last and final video visit. 

Now let me be clear, all things are not peaches and cream. In fact, I believe I received my biggest and final test this past week. I am not sure how well I did, but I can definitely see a big change in myself. I am ready. Ready on so many levels. Ready to reunite with my family, ready for a new beginning, and ready to really share my prison journey story with the world. So, stay tuned.


I Will Always Love You


One Year Later