Turkey Day Incarcerated

I am not going to lie. Yesterday was a really tough day. I attempted to process my feelings by journaling, but I still couldn't shake the sad, depressed feelings that came up for me around not being home this holiday season. All day I thought about what I would be doing if I were at home. Although the excitement built around the camp amongst my friends about all the holiday meals we were going to be getting, I was still in my feelings. My bunkie and I decided around 9:30 PM last night to try a new recipe. We were going to put a spin on our peanut butter fudge recipe. We decided to combine her cheesecake and peanut butter fudge into a roll. We were laying in bed talking about the idea. Then, all of a sudden my bunkie said, “we should try it.” So we jumped up and gathered all the ingredients from our locker and started making the pinwheel. It was not going as planned and for some reason that was funny to us. We giggled and laughed and we pulled everything out of our lockers trying to make the recipe work. My bunkie laughed so hard she almost peeped on herself. That small moment of joy with her meant so much to me. It was God reminding me to be grateful for the joy I have right here. 

This morning, I decided to get up and go workout. After hearing about all the food we were going to eat I decided I needed to have some balance and work some of it off beforehand. For breakfast we had a huge cinnamon roll. I miss cinnamon rolls, especially Cinnabon. I think it will be on my "first things to eat when I get out" list. LOL! For lunch, we were served Cornish hens, turkey, macaroni and cheese, green beans, rolls, sweet potatoes, and apple pie. I am not going to lie, it was really good. After lunch, we went outside to play in the cornhole tournament. My partner and I actually did pretty well. 

The highlight of my day was my video visit with all my girls. I got to see all five of them in one place. For them I am so grateful. I really do miss them, a lot. Especially on holidays like this, it really makes you appreciate your family more. Next year this time I will be home and I plan to really do it big; Kris Jenner style. 

Dinner was a Friendsgiving gathering with over 20 of the ladies here that I’m cool with. We all had to prepare a dish to bring. My dish was mashed potatoes. We all said what we were thankful for, prayed and shared Thanksgiving traditions and stories. It was an amazing way to end the day. 

Happy Thanksgiving #FirstAndLastPrisonTurkeyDay


Special Days


Thanksgiving Eve