Who Robbed The Library?

Overall today was quiet with the exception of my boss trying to do a shakedown in an attempt to locate the glue, scissors, and binders that went missing from the library. He called a whole meeting with the librarians and launced a full investigation to find the missing items. I guess he got a lead because he shook down two rooms and carried out two bags full of items, but not the library stuff. People even started throwing stuff they took down the stairs in an effort to not be identified. Unnecessary drama for nothing. Who knows who took it or why. And although I do not have any of the items he is looking for, I still do not feel like going through the inconvenience of having my room torn apart. 

My work wife lost her brother today. She is taking it pretty well considering the circumstances. That has been my biggest fear, losing someone while incarcerated. When I hear stories about people who have lost parents, spouses, kids, etc. my heart goes out to them. I pray daily for my family's safety and health.

Finally, according to inmate.com the Warden has stated that there will be a mass exodus once the FSA credits hit next week. Allegedly, anyone who is an immediate release will have to be sent home within four days. The prison population is expected to be at a 20 year low after all of this. I am so happy for those who will get to go home soon, including myself. 


30 Day Mental Diet - Day 5

Life Is For You

Live Life, Don't Fight It

The universe operates by laws; whether or not I fully accept it. Therefore, it is wise for me to be mindful of those laws and operate in harmony with them versus against them. It is my intention to be more mindful of what I am thinking in order to manifest what I desire verses creating what I do not desire. There is nothing outside of me that is creating my reality. What I am experiencing is a direct manifestation of the thoughts I think. 

I can use this principal to correct my thinking about prison. I am very anxious about finding out my credits next week. There is a part of me that is afraid something will be wrong or messed up and I will not receive the appropriate credits. Today I have also been thinking about what thoughts I was thinking that manifested this prison experience. In order to get what I desire, I can shift my thinking to positive thoughts and affirm that I will receive an abundance of credit so that I will be released early. I can also pivot my thoughts and focus on the positive aspects of this experience in order to manifest more positive experiences.


