Your Gifts Will Make Room For You

God really, really loves me. I have adopted this saying since being in prison. Ironic right? Well, not to me. From the day I entered through the prison gates, I was certain that something was waiting for me on the other side. I also had a friend that did some time in prison who told me, "If you do this right, going to prison will be the best thing that ever happened to you." For some reason, even in the midst of the storm, I believed him, and I see it coming to pass. 

Over the past few days, I and a few other ladies had the opportunity to work at my second job, culinary events. I love, love, love it! It’s like for a moment I am back on the outside. We are not in our uniforms or grays. We are surrounded by "real" people, not all inmates, and real food. It sounds cheesy, or even harsh, but it’s the truth. For the past two days, we felt normal, like we were on the outside. I personally felt...creative, excited, rejuvenated, and FREE!

Yesterday we completed our third event. Just like the last time, the men from behind the fence in the culinary program made most of the food and we did the setup, decor, and service. The difference is this time we used real flowers and other decor. I WAS IN HEAVEN! The event was very successful, especially the presentation, aka the decor. My skills and experience were utilized; I was in the zone. I was able to do what I love, decorate and teach!

But here is where it gets yummy (insert big ole full-teeth smile). At the end of the event, my boss, Ms. E., and my former unit team manager introduced me to the warden, THE WARDEN! For those who do not know, that is the HNIC (Head, N!$$@, In Charge). Except he is not an N, but you get my point. He is like the president of the prison. I digress, but he was very impressed AND they all asked me to return and work on entry initiatives once I am released. OMG! OMG! OMG! This is what I have been praying about, desiring, talking about, etc. GOD really loves me! He brought it all together and made this ALL make sense. Your gifts will make room for you! Just bloom where you are planted, even if it is in prison. And watch it turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you.


BORED Out Of My Mind!
