Closing One Chapter to Open Another
I really do not have a whole lot to say except that it is hot; very hot. This building has no air-conditioning on the top floors, which is where I live. Luckily, I work at a building with air so I am able to get some type of relief during the day.
My final days are being spent chilling for the most part. I work out more and chill with my bunkie; that is about it. I am ready. Ready to close this chapter and open another one. It is time for me to go home. My family needs me and I need them.
This morning I packed my final box and took it to the mail room to find out how much it would cost me to send it home. 40 stamps for a box full of books; I am determined to take as many of my books home with me as possible. Some books I have donated, others I am taking with me because one of my goals in life is to have a home library filled with all the books I love. Since being in prison my love for reading has been reignited. I almost feel empty if I do not have a book with me.
I also checked with R&D (Receiving & Discharge) to see if the clothes my family sent in for me had arrived, and they have. A lot of people leave in their sweatsuits. However, I did not want to leave with anything because I wanted to be able to leave it for the ladies here who may need it.
My final task of the day was to find out what time I would need to report to the halfway house. On the day of my release I am set to leave the prison camp here in KY at 12:30 pm, I have to report to the halfway house by 8:30 pm. According to my case manager, I will be reviewed, and based on that review they will determine whether or not I will stay at the halfway house or be released to home confinement. Since my home confinement eligibility date is actually before the date I am being released I am hopeful that I will go straight home.