Surreal Reality

Another round of credits hit today. My release date has moved again! God is so good. I have taken off 5.5 months so far of a 22-month sentence. In total, I should get off about 6 months. These FSA credits have really helped me get home faster. There are a few things that need to be worked out with the system, but, for the most part, it is working pretty well. 

I cleaned out my locker some more today. I am down the bare minimum. I am only keeping things I absolutely need. It feels surreal. I can't believe I am at the final stage of my journey. I am anxious but excited at the same time. I happy but sad as well. That is the polarity of life. 

Since we received more credits my bunkie also received more as well. We made a trip to her case manager to request that he ask for a date change for her. I am praying they accept it and she can go home a little earlier. I selfishly want to her out, but I am also ready for her to be able to reunite with her family.


One Year Later


Closing One Chapter to Open Another