Surreal Reality
I cleaned out my locker some more today. I am down the bare minimum. I am only keeping things I absolutely need. It feels surreal. I can't believe I am at the final stage of my journey. I am anxious but excited at the same time. I happy but sad as well. That is the polarity of life.
Free At Last
This entire part of my life’s journey has been about being FREE. Hence the name of the blog. Truth be told, I thought I really knew what that meant even when I first started. I realize that I had a very limited view of what it meant to be FREE. Throughout my time, I have gained more and more clarity about what freedom really is, what it means to me and for me, and how I am truly, indeed FREE.
L To the Rescue
There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, better than a good, close friend. Especially one that knows you so well that you don't even have to say anything. I guess my blog, emails and just overall conversation lately threw up a distress signal and my L came to the rescue. She wasted to time or resources to jump on a plane and come to KY for an in-person visit. For that, her love, and our friendship, I am so grateful and beyond blessed.
Little Sister
I’m in a room full of people, and yet I feel so alone. This lonely feeling isn't new to me; it has been my way of life growing up as an only child. I was surrounded by my cousins who lived within arms reach of my childhood home, but I was the only grandchild without a sibling. I felt then, and still feel, lonely.
Patience Is A Virtue
More people left today; I think four. More leave later this week and a ton next week. That’s the thing about prison camps; someone is always leaving. Most people here have short sentences, are at the end of their sentences, or have violated. The beauty of people leaving is that you know you are about to leave too.
Today Was A Good Day
Today, I also graduated from electrical class. I am not even going to lie, I have no idea what I am doing. LOL! Actually, I know just enough to be dangerous. There were a total of 10 of us who graduated. This class, like others that I have taken, was just a class for exploration. I have done that a lot here. I allowed myself to explore new things. In exploring electrical work, I realized that it is not for me; it is too technical. I am a creative. Some may say it was a waste of time, but it helped my time pass and I learned more about myself.
Scammers Get Scammed
There are also a lot of people who prey on the fear of individuals who have caught cases. They make promises they cannot keep or charge ridiculous amounts of money for services that individuals could do themselves with a little bit of assistance. These so-called "consultants" are, in their own right, scammers and frauds who I believe, in some way, feel justified in defrauding individuals caught up in the federal court system. I was a victim of these predators myself, not once but twice.
Even More Eventful Friday
It seems like something happens every Friday. Besides it being the last day of March (whoop whoop) we of course received a visit from SIS (Special Investigative Supervisor). At the time I was in the computer room when I heard two officers come in and yell from another inmate, who was also in the tv room. As the officer walked away, I heard them say, "I don't want to put all your business out there so come with me." Of course this sparked the attention of others, including myself. However, it was not until later that I heard what happened. ALLEGEDLY, the inmate, who is 18, was caught receiving "a drop" which turned out to be suboxone strips on camera. There are also rumors that she is affiliated with gang activity.
Living Vision
I was so fortunate to attend IVISD (Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development) years ago and I still utilize many of the tools I acquired while I was there. One tool I have decided to use to support me in these efforts is to create a living vision. I am also blessed to still be in contact with individuals who have also been involved with IVISD in some capacity.