Living Vision
More people left this week, or have received their leave dates; not because of FSA (The First Step Act), but because it is their time to leave. I am happy for them, but at the same time it is becoming real that I will also be leaving soon. Yesterday, I sat down to really think about how I want to spend my last days and what it is that I want to accomplish before I leave here. After I set my goals, I created a plan for myself. Then I created a daily to-do list. I need the structure and organization in my life to keep me accountable and on track. I do not want to look back and feel like I wasted this time.
I was so fortunate to attend IVISD (Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development) years ago and I still utilize many of the tools I acquired while I was there. One tool I have decided to use to support me in these efforts is to create a living vision. I am also blessed to still be in contact with individuals who have also been involved with IVISD in some capacity. One thing I am certain about is my need for accountability and support. I am proud of myself for knowing when to ask for what I need.
One of the gaps I see here is individuals' lack of preparation for life after prison. They have so much anxiety about what will happen when they get back home. How will they provide for themselves and their family? Where will they live? Who will hire them? Those are often the concerns I hear from the ladies about walking out of the door. But, the biggest thing I have observed is that there also seems to be a lack of vision or planning. Most live in the right now, which is good. But they have no idea what they really truly want from life and/or how they are going to go about manifesting it. They are like leaves blowing in the wind; they go wherever the wind takes them.
The Bible says in Habakkuk: 2, "Write the vision and make it plain." That is what I am doing and will continue to revisit. I am just grateful for the skills and tools to know to do so.