Health Is Wealth
Today was a busy, but good day. It was busy even though I did not go to work. Mondays are always hit or miss when it comes to work. My boss is off on Mondays and we can never get anyone to open the door for us to hold the class. However, my motto is, "let no time be wasted." I use that free time from work to get in a little more exercise.
A Great Week!
I have slowed down on my blogging. I guess I am either very settled, there isn't much going on, or my new workout regimen has taken over my life. I do know as I approach the final part of this journey I want to be more intentional about documenting the end.
Time Is An Illusion
I was in the hall the other day and another inmate who has done several federal bids asked me when I was leaving. I responded and told her how many days I had left. Her reply to me, which is a common response when people either have a short sentence or when they only have a few days left, "You can do that on your head." I told her it seems like the end of my time is going by so slowly. Then she said something that really hit me.
Terrific Tuesday
I woke up early this morning in order to see my work wife off. She finally left, after 21 months. She was so, so happy. She had a little pep in her step. I can't believe my Gayle is gone. I already miss the fact that I can't just pop up in her room for an impromptu deep-dive conversation. Our boss, well her former boss, came into the classroom later in the day and asked me why I had a sad look on my face. I told him that I missed my friend.
Laser Focused
As the days roll by, it is becoming clearer that my time here is coming to an end. Although it was definitely not an experience that I desired when this all started, I am well aware that it is one that I needed. Throughout this process, I have been extremely selfish and focused on taking care of myself. For that, I am so grateful.
Prison Body
Today, I had a very interesting conversation with someone in the rec (recreation) department after inquiring about whether or not we had or could order resistance bands. I was told that the prison was not allowed to purchase any type of equipment which would increase or build upper body strength. This is because they do not want inmates to get too big and become hard to handle should they need restraining.
One Mile At A Time
This morning, while I was working out, I thought about something my old trainer told me. He said, "you aren't working out, you are training. There is a difference." I have readopted this mantra. I am not "working out" I am training for the next part of my journey. This mindset shift has dictated how I have moved all day.
Today Was A Good Day
Today, I also graduated from electrical class. I am not even going to lie, I have no idea what I am doing. LOL! Actually, I know just enough to be dangerous. There were a total of 10 of us who graduated. This class, like others that I have taken, was just a class for exploration. I have done that a lot here. I allowed myself to explore new things. In exploring electrical work, I realized that it is not for me; it is too technical. I am a creative. Some may say it was a waste of time, but it helped my time pass and I learned more about myself.
A Reflection on Greatness
This morning has been so emotional for me. I have been thinking about greatness. It actually started about two days ago. I have been witnessing and hearing about toxic relationships, withholding of love, etc. Then today I woke up and saw three things that made me reflect on greatness. First, I saw a piece on ESPN about Fisk University's gymnastics team. They are the first HBCU to have one. Then I saw the UCA High School Nationals and the ESPN series on Michael Jordan-The Last Dance.
Incarceration & Relationships
I asked what was going on and, initially, they said nothing, which I later found out was not true. After a moment they told me to close the door and they proceeded to tell me that one of the girls found out that her live-in boyfriend had a baby since she was incarcerated. To make matters worse, there is a possibility that there is another child he may have fathered. She was devastated.
Living Vision
I was so fortunate to attend IVISD (Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development) years ago and I still utilize many of the tools I acquired while I was there. One tool I have decided to use to support me in these efforts is to create a living vision. I am also blessed to still be in contact with individuals who have also been involved with IVISD in some capacity.
Furlough Recap
What a blessing it was to furlough for 72 hours in order to attend my father's memorial service. I am grateful that I was granted the opportunity to go home to be with my family. 72 hours is not the standard length of most furloughs; it is usually about 48 hours. However, because of the distance, my case manager was able to secure a longer furlough time for me.
My Bunkie Is Back
Today, I can officially say that I have my old bunkie back; my second one, the one I call the Baddest Bunkie. I am very happy about that because in the midst of everything going on it feels good to be able to be in the room with my closest friend.