Health Is Wealth
Today was a busy, but good day. It was busy even though I did not go to work. Mondays are always hit or miss when it comes to work. My boss is off on Mondays and we can never get anyone to open the door for us to hold the class. However, my motto is, "let no time be wasted." I use that free time from work to get in a little more exercise. Today, I had a chance to catch up with my old workout group and do a very intense leg workout which included 10 laps around the track, running that is. I was so proud of myself. I did not run all 10 but I did run several of them. This is a huge accomplishment because I was unable to run at all when I first got here. Hell, I was barely able to walk.
I feel good about myself, and my progress towards my goals. I am in full execution mode and determined to accomplish what I set out to do. Right now, my focus is my health. I see how important it is and I am committed to leaving here in the best shape possible.
Now that two of my workout classes have ended it will be up to me to motivate myself and stay on track. I have found a few people who I have connected with that like to workout just as much as I do and they have been a huge source of accountability.