Patience Is A Virtue

More people left today; I think four. More leave later this week and a ton next week. That’s the thing about prison camps; someone is always leaving. Most people here have short sentences, are at the end of their sentences, or have violated. The beauty of people leaving is that you know you are about to leave too. 

At this point I am counting hamburger days. Every Wednesday we have hamburgers. I know exactly how many more hamburgers I will eat. At least I have an approximate number. I also know how many toothbrushes I need to finish my stay, how many bars of soap I need, how much toothpaste to use, etc. All I am missing, all I do not know is the exact date of my release! And that my love is causing me to have a little…anxiety.

There are many points in the journey where my anxiety is higher than others. It feels like the anxiety never really goes away; you only get a brief period of peace and solace. Most of the time you are on pins and needles waiting on something. Waiting on FSA credits, waiting for your next TEAM meeting, waiting for a release date, waiting to be released, waiting for CHOW, waiting for ICE, waiting, waiting, waiting. If you get nothing else out of prison you get patience or prescribed anxiety medication. LOL!


Little Sister


Health Is Wealth