Time Is An Illusion
Time is so funny. This journey has really made me realize why time is really an illusion. It seems like time has slowed down. I think it is because I am counting my days. It feels like the calendar "days" are just not going anywhere. At the same time, it feels like time is flying when I am doing something that I enjoy.
I was in the hall the other day and another inmate who has done several federal bids asked me when I was leaving. I responded and told her how many days I had left. Her reply to me, which is a common response when people either have a short sentence or when they only have a few days left, "You can do that on your head." I told her it seems like the end of my time is going by so slowly. Then she said something that really hit me.
She said:
“Maybe that is on purpose. Maybe it happens that way in order to get you/us to slow down and appreciate the last bit of time we have here. Maybe time is asking "you/us" to slow down so we can really get our minds together before we leave and to also make sure we have our priorities and goals in order before we leave.” She then said, "I know what I am talking about, I have done this several times."
Now this particular inmate is usually very silly and playful. However, what she said was profound, and something that I will never forget. With these final days that I have left, I intend to be more intentional about how I use them.