L To the Rescue
There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, better than a good, close friend. Especially one that knows you so well that you don't even have to say anything. I guess my blog, emails and just overall conversation lately threw up a distress signal and my L came to the rescue. She wasted to time or resources to jump on a plane and come to KY for an in-person visit. For that, her love, and our friendship, I am so grateful and beyond blessed.
I am not going to lie, the past few weeks have been rough; this one especially. Between my friend leaving, my date being moved, and just the overall stress of prison in general I needed to see a familiar face. I needed to see her smile, engage in one of our deep conversations, and I simply needed to breathe.
There were so many things we talked about that I can't even put it into writing. However, one, well two things I noticed about our conversations is that we never gossiped or spoke about anyone but ourselves and we also stayed present and did not move too far past the moment we were having. Yes, we spoke about the future but we mainly processed and shared our current experiences and feelings. She says she can see the growth in me, well I can see the growth in her, and I can also see the growth in WE.
Six hours of dope, emotional, unfiltered, vulnerable conversation with my girl is what was needed for me. I now feel like Popeye when he gets his spinach. I can go a little longer, a little further. I can do this. I can finish.