The Beginning Of The End

Today at 7:30 am, I and fifteen others entered the visitation area to attend the Release Preparation Program as part of the planning for our re-entry to society. Yes, I finally got to attend the coveted re-entry class, which is one of the steps in the release process. It was surreal sitting in that room because I vividly remember sitting in the same place 10 months ago, two days after I reported doing A & O (Admission and Orientation). Wow! What a journey! 

During the session, we watched two videos. There was a lady, a former inmate, on one of the videos who gave some pretty helpful advice. A few things she said were confirmation that I am on the right track. 

Here are seven things that stood out to me:

1. You have to decide to change your life. It has to be in your heart. You have to want it and you have to work for it. 

2. How you spend your time and your thoughts is up to you. 

3. Take the time to heal yourself. Do a lot of deep introspection. 

4. The decision about who you want to be starts and ends with you.

5. Learn to set goals.

6. Maintain your own self-worth. Do not depend on anyone else for this but you. 

7. God will take you through what you need to go through to bring you to your purpose.


Today has been a rough day for my friends. One got a shot today. She wouldn't tell us why. She just looked really sad, didn't say much, and then crawled into her bed. My old bunkie (Puerto Rican Princess) talked to her attorney today. He is not hopeful that her appeal will go through. That is very upsetting. And finally, my current bunkie (The Baddest Bunkie), found out her release date is not until November. She was supposed to leave in July. Ouch! 4 extra months is a lot; and I complained about mine going back 3 weeks. Iā€™m still trusting that it is God's timing, not ours.


Fatherless Father's Day


What Would You Do?